Reservoir ecology a tribute to José Galizia Tundisi and Takako Matsumura Tundisi

The construction of large reservoirs in Brazil, mainly for hydroelectricity and public water supply, reached its maximum development in the 1960s And 1970s. Since that time it was known that the proper management and exploitation of reservoirs for multiple uses would be possible only after the devel...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Seiji Abe, Donato | Rocha, Odete | Games Nogueira, Marcos
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Brasil | BRASIL UFRJ, Rio Janeiro-Brasil 2011

CEDOC-CIRA (Recursos Acuáticos)

Detalle de Existencias desde CEDOC-CIRA (Recursos Acuáticos)
Número de Clasificación: 577.63 S457
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