Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conceptual developments of sustainability accounting tools
  • Sustainability Accounting and Reporting: Development, Linkages and Reflection. An Introduction
  • Corporate Sustainability Accounting. A Catchphrase for Compliant Corporations or a Business Decision Support for Sustainability Leaders?
  • Towards a Monetised Triple Bottom Line for an Alcohol Producer. Using Stakeholder Dialogue to Negotiate a ‘Licence to Operate’ by Constructing an Account of Social Performance
  • Integrating Sustainability into Traditional Financial Analysis
  • The Concept of Corporate Resource Efficiency Accounting. A Case Study in the Electronic Industry
  • Accounting for Health and Safety Costs. Review and Comparison of Selected Methods
  • Implementing Standard Costing with an Aim to Guiding Behaviour in Sustainability Orientated Organisa
  • Linking environmental and sustainability accounting with eonomic success
  • Achieving Environmental-Economic Sustainability through Corporate Environmental Strategies. Empirical Evidence on Environmental Shareholder Value
  • The Impact of Carbon Constraints on Competitiveness and Value Creation in the Automotive Industry
  • Traditional Accounting Return Ratios and Business Sustainability. An Incompatible Relationship in the Context of Greek Strategic Business Units
  • Is there a Market Payoff for Being Green at the Lima Stock Exchange?
  • Integrating and Reporting an Organisation's Economic, Social and Environmental Performance. The Expanded Value Added Statement
  • Reporting external accounting frameworks and benchmarking
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting. An Overview
  • Taking the GRI to Scale. Towards the Next Generation of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
  • The JEPIX Initiative in Japan. A New Ecological Accounting System for a Better Measurement of Eco-Efficiency
  • The Green-Budget Matrix Model. Theory and Cases in Japanese Companies
  • Quality of Physical Environmental Management Accounting Information. Lessons from Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers
  • Benchmarking Environmental Performance in the English University Sector. The Experience of the Higher Education Environmental Performance Improvement (HEEPI) Project
  • National experiences and developments in environmental and sustainability accounting
  • Environmental Management Accounting in Czech Companies that have Implemented Environmental Management Systems
  • Corporate Environmental Accounting and Reporting in China. Current Status and the Future
  • Development of Corporate Environmental Accounting in Korea. Case Studies and Policy Implications
  • Understanding and Supporting Management Decision- Making. South East Asian Case Studies on Environmental Management Accounting
  • New developments and national experiences in sustainability reporting
  • Just a Paper Tiger? Exploration of Sustainability Reporting as a Corporate Communication Instrument
  • Interactive Sustainability Reporting. Developing Clear Target Group Tailoring and Stimulating Stakeholder Dialogue
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting. Evidence from the First Swiss Benchmark Survey
  • Comparability of Sustainability Reports. A Comparative Content Analysis of Austrian Sustainability Reports
  • EMA computer technology developments and internet
  • Computer Support for Environmental Management Accounting
  • Environmental Performance Measurement Using the EPMKOMPAS Approach as one Step Towards Sustainability. The Assessment Method in the EPM-KOMPAS Approach as a Guide for SMEs Towards Better Environmental Performance
  • Web-Based Environmental Management Systems for SMEs. Enhancing the Diffusion of Environmental Management in the Transportation Sector
  • Towards integrated sustainability performance measurement and management
  • Managing Sustainability Performance Measurement and Reporting in an Integrated Manner. Sustainability Accounting as the Link between the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard and Sustainability Reporting.