The Diary of Emma Simpson : When Will this Cruel War Be Over? /

The peaceful, traditional Southern life that Emma Simpson and her family know is shattered when the Civil War reaches their soil. Soon, Emma's father and brother are called to battle, but her family is confident that the South will quickly win the War between the States. As the months drag on...

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Autor principal: Denenberg, Barry (Autor)
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New York : SCHOLASTIC INC., 1996
Sumario:The peaceful, traditional Southern life that Emma Simpson and her family know is shattered when the Civil War reaches their soil. Soon, Emma's father and brother are called to battle, but her family is confident that the South will quickly win the War between the States. As the months drag on, though, the harsh realities of war set in. Death and hardship are all around, and food, medicine, firewood, and ink for Emma to write in her diary become increasingly scarce as troops from the North march deeper into the South. Eventually, even Emma's home is commandeered by the Yankees, Still, with a brave spirit and the knowledge of what is most important in life, Emma never loses hope that the war will end.
La vida pacífica y tradicional del sur que Emma Simpson y su familia conocen se destruye cuando la Guerra Civil llega a su territorio. Pronto, el padre y el hermano de Emma son llamados a la batalla, pero su familia confía en que el Sur ganará rápidamente la Guerra entre los Estados. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzan los meses, comienzan las duras realidades de la guerra. La muerte y las dificultades están por todas partes, y la comida, la medicina, la leña y la tinta para que Emma escriba en su diario se vuelven cada vez más escasas a medida que las tropas del Norte avanzan cada vez más hacia el interior. el sur. Eventualmente, incluso la casa de Emma es ordenada por los Yankees. Aun así, con un espíritu valiente y el conocimiento de lo que es más importante en la vida, Emma nunca pierde la esperanza de que la guerra terminará.
Descripción Física:170 pages : 20 cm