English teachers curriculum and the competence required by MINED to develop Plan 2021 nationwide /

In 2004, a new president was elected and during his political campaign, a lot of promises were made. However, the ones that call the attention are those related to education, specially the English area. One of the compromises the president made had to do with Education in a long term. A plan was pro...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Rodríguez Zelaya, Beatriz Anabell
Otros Autores: Galicia Alonso, Luis Alberto (coautor), Monterrosa Orellana, Marta Iliana (coautor), Llanes, Jorge Homero (docente director), Salazar Murcia, Pedro Antonio (coordinador)
Formato: Tesis Libro
Publicado: San Salvador : Universidad de El Salvador, 2007
Acceso en línea:http://ri.ues.edu.sv/7123/

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