Analysis of the influence of Spanish in the learning of English related to the writing Skill in students of tenth grade “A”, at Miguel de Cervantes Institute in Managua, during the second semester of the year 2019, in the morning shift

This study aims to analyze the influence of Spanish in the English writing of students from the tenth grade “A”, at Miguel de Cervantes Institute in Managua. The study took place during the second semester of the year 2019, in the morning shift. Participants involved are 30 high school students and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Alvarez Roa, Ruth Esther | Altamirano Catín, Hazell Yahoska
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Nicaragua | MANAGUA UNAN, Managua 2020


Detalle de Existencias desde CEDOC-Inglés
Número de Clasificación: SM EIN 378.242 Alva 2020
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