The secular city : secularization and urbanization in theological perspective

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Cox, Harvey, 1929- (autor)
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New York : The Macmillan Company, ©1965
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part One: The coming of the secular city. 1. The Biblical sources of secularization. Secularization versus secularism. Dimensions of secularization. Creation as the disenchantment of nature
  • The exodus as the desacralization of politics. The Sinai covenant as the deconsecration of values 2. The shape of the secular city. Anonymity. The man at the giant switchboard
  • Anonymity as deliverance from the law. Mobility. The man in the cloverleaf. Yahweh and the baalim. 3. The style of the secular city. John f. kennedy and pragmatism. Albert camus and profanity. Tillich, barth and the secular style. 4. The secular city in cross-cultural perspective. New delhi and india. Rome and western Europe. Prague and eastern Europe. Boston and the united states.
  • Part two: the church in the secular city. 5. Toward a theology of social change. Anatomy of a revolutionary theology. 6. The church as God's avant-garde. The church's kerygmatic function: broadcasting the seizure of power. The church's diakonic function: healing the urban fractures. The church's koinoniac function: making visible the city of man
  • 7. the church as cultural exorcist.
  • Part three: excursions in urban exorcism. 8. Work and play in the secular city. The separation of places of work and residence. The bureaucratic organization of work. The emancipation of work from religion
  • 9. Sex and secularization. The residue of tribalism. Remnants of town virtues. 10. The church and the secular university.
  • Part four: God and the secular man. 11. To speak in a secular fashion of God. Speaking God as a sociological problem. Speaking of God as a political issue. Speaking of God as a theological question.