The art of ballets russes : the Serge Lifar collection of theater designs, costumes, and paintings at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Schouvaloff, Alexander (autor)
Autor Corporativo: Wadsworth Atheneum
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New Haven and London : [Hartford, Conn.] : Yale University Press ; In association with the Wadsworth Atheneum, ©1997
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Lifar Collection in the Wadsworth Atheneum / by Jean K. Cadogan
  • The Serge Lifar Collection
  • Design for the Theater
  • The Costumes
  • Diaghilev's Ballets Russes
  • Boris Anisfeldt. Snegourotchka (The Snow Maiden), 1922
  • Léon Bakst. Feya Kukol (Puppenfee or The Fairy Doll), 1903. Schéhérazade, 1910. Le Spectre de la rose (The Spirit of the Rose), 1911. Le Dieu Bleu (The Blue God), 1912. L'Apres-midi d'un faune (The Afternoon of a Faun), 1912. Daphnis and Chloe, 1912. Les Femmes de Bonne Humeur (The Good-Humored Ladies), 1917. Aladin ou la Lampe Merveilleuse (Aladin or the Magic Lamp), 1919. The Sleeping Princess, 1921
  • Andre Bauchant. Apollon Musagete (Apollo), 1928
  • Alexandre Benois. Le Pavillon d'Armide (Armida's Pavilion), 1909. Petrushka. 1911. Le Rossignol (The Nightingale), 1914. Giselle ou les Wilis (Giselle or the Wilis), 1924
  • Christian Bérard. Night, 1930
  • Georges Braque.
  • Giorgio de Chirico.
  • Jean Cocteau.
  • Paul Colin.
  • André Derain.
  • Mstislav Dobujinsky.
  • Naum Gabo.
  • Nathalie gontcharova.
  • Juan Gris.
  • Constantin Korovine.
  • Michel Larionov.
  • Marie Laurencin.
  • Fernand Léger.
  • Louis Marcoussis.
  • Henri Matisse.
  • Joan Miró.
  • Amadeo Modigliani.
  • Eugne Mollo.
  • Pablo Picasso.
  • Pedro Pruna.
  • Isaac Rabinovitch.
  • Sir Francis Rose.
  • Georges Rouault.
  • Prince Alexandre Schervashidze.
  • José-María Sert.
  • Dimitri Stelletsky.
  • Leold Survage.
  • Pavel Tchelitchew