Israeli Mosaics of the Byzantine Period

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Kitzinger, Ernst (autor)
Autor Corporativo: Unesco
Formato: Libro
Publicado: New York, New York : The New American Library ,1965.
Edición:first printing
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction
  • / by Ernst Kitzinger.
  • Heptapegon (et Tabgha), Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. Pavement in north wing of transept: water birds, lotus and other water plants. Fifth century.
  • Heptapegon (et Tabgha), Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. Pavement in north wing of transept: water bird and city wall. Fifth century.
  • Heptapegon (et Tabgha), Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. Pavement behind altar: basket with loaves, two fishes. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Guvrin, villa. Border of pavement: huntsman. Fifth century.
  • Beth-Guvrin, villa. Border of pavement: running hare. Fifth century.
  • Shavey Zion, church. Pavement: cross in medallion. Fifth century.
  • Shavey Zion, church. Pavement: Geometric pavement (detail). Fifth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue, pavement. The Sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham and Isaac. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue, pavement. The Sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue, pavement. The Sacrifice of Isaac: servants leading donkey. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue, pavement. Zodiac Panel: heads of horses from the Chariot of the Sun. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue, pavement. Zodiac Panel: sign of the Virgin. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue. Border of pavement: bull flanking inscription at entrance. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Alpha, synagogue. Border of pavement: hen with chicks. Sixth century.
  • Beth-Shean, monastery of the Lady Mary. Pavement with the personifications of the Months: head of February. Probably 569 after Christ.
  • Beth-Shean, monastery of the Lady Mary. Pavement with thee personifications of the Months: head of October. Probably 569 after Christ.
  • Beth-Shean, monastery of the Lady Mary. Vine trellis pavement: man playing flute to his dog. Probably 569 after Christ.
  • Beth-Shean, monastery of the Lady Mary. Vine trellis pavement: negro leading animal. Probably 569 after Christ.
  • Tiberias, bath. Pavement: beribboned bird. Sixth century.
  • Tiberias, bath. Pavement: crane. Sixth century.
  • Tiberias, bath. Pavement: duck. Sixth century.
  • Nirim, synagogue of Ma'on. Pavement: seven-branched candelabrum. Sixth century.
  • Nirim, synagogue of Ma'on. Pavement: leopard. Sixth century.
  • Nirim, synagogue of Ma'on. Pavement: hen and eggs. Sixth century.
  • Huldah. Pavement: seven-branched candelabrum, ritual utensils and Greek inscription "Blessing to the People". Sixth century.
  • Caesarea, chruch outside the walls. Border of pavement: leopard. Late sixth century.
  • Caesarea, chruch outside the walls. Border of pavement: pelican. Late sixth century.
  • Khirbet el-Minya, Ummayyad palace. Geometric pavement (detail). Eighth century.