Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I
  • The Sites.
  • La Selva Biological Station: A Blueprint for Stimulating Tropical Research
  • / David B. Clark.
  • Barro Colorado Island and Tropical Biology
  • / Egbert Giles Leigh, JR., and S. Joseph Wright.
  • An Overview of Research at Cocha Cashu Biological Station
  • / John Terborgh.
  • Central Amazonian Forests and the Minimum Critical Size of Ecosystems Project
  • / Thomas E. Lovejoy and Richard O. Bierregaard, Jr.
  • Floristics.
  • The Distribution of Diversity among Families, Genera, and Habit Types in the La Selva Flora
  • / Barry Hammel.
  • The Floristic Composition of the Barro Colorado Island Forest
  • / Robin B. Foster and Stephen P. Hubbell.
  • The Floristic Composition of the Rio Manu Floodplain Forest
  • / Robin B. Foster.
  • The Floristic Composition of the Forests of Central Amazonian Brazil
  • / Ghillean T. Prance.
  • Floristic Similarities and Differences between Southern Central America and Upper and Central Amazonia
  • / Alwyn H. Gentry.
  • Birds.
  • Birds of La Selva Biological Station: Habitat Use, Trophic Composition, and Migrants
  • / John G. Blake, F. Gary Stiles, and Bette A. Loiselle..
  • The Avifauna of Barro Colorado Island and the Pipeline Road, Panama
  • / James R. Karr.
  • Bird Communities of the Cocha Cashu Biological Station in Amazonian Peru
  • / Scott K. Robinson and John Terborgh.
  • Species Composition and Trophic Organization of the Understory Bird Community in a Central Amazonian Terra Firme Forest
  • / Richard O. Bierregaard, Jr.
  • Birds of Four Neotropical Forests
  • / James R. Karr, Scott Robinson. John G. Blake, and Richard O. Bierregaard, Jr.
  • Mammals.
  • Mammals of La Selva, Costa Rica / Don E. Wilson.
  • / Don E. Wilson.
  • Neotropical Mammal Densities: How Unusual Is the Community on Barro Colorado Island, Panama?
  • / William E. Glanz.
  • Ecological Structure of the Nonflying Mammal Community at Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru
  • / Charles H. Janson
  • PART V
  • Reptiles and Amphibians.
  • The Herpetofauna of La Selva, Costa Rica
  • / Craig Guyer.
  • The Herpetofauna of Barro Colorado Island, Panama: An Ecological Summary
  • / A. Stanley Rand and Charles W. Myers.
  • A Preliminary Overview of the Herpetofauna of Cocha Cashu, Manu National Park, Peru
  • / Lily B. Rodríguez and John E.
  • Frogs, Snakes, and Lizards of the INPA-WWF Reserves near Manaus, Brazil
  • / Barbara L. Zimmerman and Miguel T. Rodrígues.
  • Herpetofaunas in Neotropical Rainforests: Comparative Composition, History, and Resource Use
  • / William E. Duellman
  • Forest Dynamics.
  • Forest Dynamics at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, 1969-1985
  • / Diana Lieberman, Gary S. Hartshorn, Milton Lieberman, and Rodolfo Peralta.
  • Structure, Dynamics, and Equilibrium Status of Old-Growth Forest on Barro Colorado Island
  • / Stephen P. Hubbell and Robin B. Foster.
  • Composition and Dynamics of the Cocha Cashu "Mature" Floodplain Forest
  • / Alwyn H. Gentry and John Terborgh.
  • Long-Term Change in the Successional Forest Community of the Rio Manu Floodplain
  • / Robin B. Foster.
  • Tree Mortality and Recruitment over a Five-Year Period in Undisturbed Upland Rainforest of the Central Amazon
  • / Judy M. Rankin-De-Merona, Roger W .Hutchings H., and Thomas E. Lovejoy.
  • An Overview of Neotropical Forest Dynamics
  • / Gary S. Hartshorn.