Diseases of the kidney /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Otros Autores: Schrier, Robert W. (Editor , autor), Gottschalk, Carl W. (Editor , autor)
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, ©1988
Edición:Fourth edition.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • v.1. I. Biochemical, structural, and functional correlations in the kidney. Structure-functional relationships in the kidney / Ruth Ellen Bulger, Steven C. Hebert.
  • Renal circulation and glomerular hemodynamics / William J. Arendshorst, L. Gabriel Navar.
  • Regulation of water balance: urine concentration and dilution / William E. Lassiter, Carl W. Gottschalk.
  • Tubular sodium transport / W. Brian Reeves Thomas E. Andreoli.
  • Tubular potassium transport / Fred S. Wright.
  • Renal acid-base transport / Mark A. Knepper Maurice B. Burg.
  • Renal metabolism / David P. Simpson.
  • Renal transport of organic anions and cations / Thurman D. McKinney.
  • Hormones and the kidney / Ralph Rabkin Cynthia A. Mahoney. – II. Clinical evaluation of the kidney. Urinalysis / Kenneth F. Fairley.
  • Laboratory evaluation of renal function / Jerome P. Kassirer John T. Harrington.
  • Intravenous urography, ultrasonography, and radionuclide studies / Judith A. W. Webb Keith E. Britton. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging / Barbara E. Demas Hedvig Hricak.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic imaging of the renal circulation: film-screen arteriography, digital subtraction angiography, and percutaneous angioplasty and embolization / Bruce J. Hillman Marshall L. Brewer.
  • Indications for and interpretations of renal biopsy: evaluation by light, electron, and immunofluorescence microscopy / C. Craig Tisher, Byron P. Croker, Jr. – III. Hereditary diseases of the kidney. Medullary and miscellaneous renal cystic desrders / Kenneth D. Gardner, Jr.
  • Medullary sponge kidney / Edmund R. Yendt.
  • Polycystic kidney diseases / Jared J. Grantham, Patricia A. Gabow.
  • Alport syndrome / Curtis Lyman Atkin, Martin C. Gregory, Wayne A. Border.
  • Fabry's disease and nail-patella syndrome / A Antonia C. Novello, William M. Bennett.
  • Isolated renal tubular disorders / Aaron L. Friedman, Russell W. Chesney.
  • IV. Urologic diseases of the genitourinary tract. Congenital urologic abnormalities / Douglas Stephens, William A. Cook.
  • Urinary tract obstruction / Douglas R. Wilson.
  • Vesicoureteric reflux and reflux nephropathy / Ross R. Bailey, Thomas M. J. Maling, Charles P. Swainson.
  • Urolithiasis / Lynwood H. Smith.
  • Prostatitis, orchitis, and epididymitis—Acute and chronic / Edwin M. Meares, Jr.
  • Disorders of micturition / Steven J. Stafford.
  • V. Neoplasms of the genitourinary tract. Molecular mechanism in malignancy / James H. Fisher, Charles H. Scoggin.
  • Primary neoplasms of the Kidney and renal pelvis / Marc B. Garnick, Jerome P. Richie.
  • Bladder carcinoma and uroepithelial carcinomas / David F. Paulson.
  • Prostatic carcinoma / L. Michael Glode, Peter T. Scardino.
  • Testicular carcinoma / John N. Wettlaufer, Paul H. Lange.
  • VI. Infections of urinary tract and kidney. Host defense mechanisms in urinary tract infections / Jack D. Sobel Donald Kaye.
  • Urinary tract tuberculosis / Mark S. Pasternack. Robert H. Rubin.
  • Fungal infections of the kidney / David J. Drutz, Richard J. Fetchick.
  • Renal and perirenal abscesses / K Vincent T. Andriole.
  • Infections of the upper urinary tract / Allan R. Ronald, Jack Neil Simonsen.
  • Cystitis and urethritis / Nicholas ]. White, Walter E. Stamm.
  • v.3. XII. Systemic diseases and the kidney. Diabetic nephropathy / Carl E. Mogensenm, S. Michael Mauer, Carl M. Kjellstrand.
  • Multiple myeloma and amyloidosis / Carlos A. Vaamonde, Victoriano Pardo.
  • Hyperuricemia, gout, and tthe kidney / Bryan T. Emmerson.
  • Nonrenal neoplasms and the kidney / Manuel Martínez-Maldonado, Luis Baez-Díaz, Julio E. Benabe.
  • Pregnancy and renal disease / M. Roy First, Victor E. Pollak.
  • Sickle cell disease / L. W. Statius van Eps, Paul E. de Jong.
  • Tropical nephrology / Asghar Rastegar, Visith Sitprija, Heonir Rocha.
  • Renal disease in the acquired immune-deticiency syndrome / Mark H. Gardenswartz, Michael L. Tapper.
  • Kidney disease in children / Cyril Chantlor.
  • Aging and the kidney / Moshe Levi, John W. Rowe.
  • XIII Clinical disorders of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base.
  • Mechanism of action of diuretics / Mark A. Dillingham, Robert W. Schrier.
  • Cardiac failure, liver disease, and nephrotic syndrome / Daniel Bichet, Robert W. Schrier.
  • Idiopathic edema / Graham A. MacGregor, Hugh E. de Wardener.
  • Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) secretion and diabetes insipidus / Tomas Berl, Stephen P. Kelleher.
  • Disorders of sodium and water balance associated with adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary disease / Alan G. Robinson, Frederick R. DeRubertis.
  • Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders complicating diabetes mellitus / Robert G. Narins, Louis J. Riley, Jr., Edward R. Jones, Nelson P. Kopyt, G. Gopal Krishna.
  • Disorders of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus metabolism / Eduardo Slatopolsky, Saulo Klahr.
  • Potassium disorders in association with renal disease / Asghar Rastegar, Ralph A. Debronzo.
  • Acid-Base disorders in association with renal discase / Nicolaos E. Madias, Ronald D. Perrone. – XIV. Uremic síndrome. Pathophysiology and nephron adaptation in chronic renal failure / Saleh Salehmoghaddam, Leon G. Fine, Edward P. Nord, Gabriel M. Danovitch, Ira Kurtz, Robert Bacallao.
  • Anemia in renal disease / Joseph W. Eschbach, John W. Adamson.
  • Renal osteodystrophy of chronic renal failure / Donald J. Sherrard, Dennis L. Andress.
  • Neurologic complications of chronic renal failure / Cosmo L. Fraser, Allen I. Arieff.
  • Cardiovascular complications of end-stage renal disease / Kwan Eun Kim, Charles Swartz.
  • Endocrine and metabolic dysfunction in chronic renal failure / Eberhardt Ritz, Jürgen Bommer.
  • XV. Management of end-stage renal failure. Immunobiology and immunopharmacology of graft rejection / Terry B. Strom, Nicholas L. Tilney.
  • Outcome and complications of transplantation / Peter J. Morris.
  • Chronic Ambulatorv Peritoneal Dialvsis (CAPD) and Chronic Cycling Peritoneal Dialvsis (CCPD) / Charles M. Mion.
  • Center and home chronic hemodialysis / Suhail Ahmad, Christopher R. Blagg, Belding H. Scribner.
  • Outcome and complications ot chronic hemodialysis / Eli A. Friedman. – XVI. Nutrition, drugs, and the kidney. Protein intake and prevention of chronic renal disease / Thomas Heard Hostetter, William Evans Mitch.
  • Phosphate, aluminum, and other elements in chronic renal disease / Allen C. Alfrey.
  • Dietary considerations in patients with acute renal failure, advanced chronic renal failure, and transplantation / Joel D. Kopple.
  • Use of drugs in patients with renal failure / William M. Bennett, William B. Blythe.