Social Sustainability in Conservation. A resourcebook to help incorporte social concerns in appraising, planning, implementing and evaluation conservation initiatives. Framework, Draft 1 / IUCN Social Policy Service

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: IUCN Social Policy Service
Formato: Libro
Publicado: IUCN - Social Policy Service 1995
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Why a resourcebook on social concerns in conservation, what do we mean by consrvation initiative, who is the resourcebook for, what is the resourcebook expected to provide, what will the resoucebook not provide, how shold the resorcebook be used, how is the resourcebook organised, participatory prospects in conservation initiatives, key questions, indicators and warning flags, integrating conservation objective with the meeting of local needs, indicators and warning flags, internal mangement of conservation initives, representing the stakeholders, indigenous resource management systems, local intitutions for resource management, managing conflict and negotiatin agreements, facilitating the developmen of join management agreements, common property, communal property and open access regimes, equity in conservation, indigenous peoples and protected areas, poverty, walth and environmental degradation, rpimary environmental care, sustainable faming, forestry and fishing practives, Eco-tourism, compensation and substitution programmes, jobs in conservation, economic valuation in concervation, managing human recources , management styles , cross-cultural communication and local media, social communication: repetoire and scope, participatory assessment: repertoire and scope, participatory monotoring and evaluation: repertoire and scope, resources for social sustainability in conservation, fiel operations as observations sites, detabanks and electronic networks