Pascal Programs : for scientists and engineers /

Introduction, The purpose of this book is twofold: to help the reader develop a proficiency in the use of Pascal, and to build a library of programs that can be used to solve problems frequently encountered in science and engineering. The programs in this book will prove valuable to the practicing s...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Estados Unidos de América : SYBEX, ©1981
Edición:First edition
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Evaluation of a Pascal compiler. Introduction.
  • Precision and Range of Floating-Point Operations.
  • Pascal Program: A Test of the Floating- Point Operations.
  • Pascal SIN and COS Functions.
  • Pascal Program: Testing the SIN Function.
  • Other Pascal Functions.
  • External Files.
  • A Power-of-10 Function.
  • Pascal Program: Calculating Powers of 10. – Summary.
  • 2. Mean and standard deviation. Introduction.
  • The Mean.
  • The Standard Deviation.
  • Pascal Program: Mean and Standard Deviation.
  • Random Numbers.
  • Pascal Function: A Random Number Generator.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluation of a Random Number Generator.
  • Pascal Function: Gaussian Random Number Generator.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluating RANDG. – Summary.
  • 3. Vector and Matrix operations. Introduction.
  • Scalars and Arrays. – Vectors. – Matrices.
  • Pascal Program: Matrix Multiplication. – Determinants.
  • Pascal Program: Determinants.
  • Inverse Matrices and Matrix Division. – Summary.
  • 4. Simultaneous solution of linear equations. Introduction.
  • Linear Equations and Simultaneous Equations.
  • Solution by Cramer's Rule.
  • Pascal Program: A More Elegant Use of Cramer's Rule.
  • Solution by Gauss Elimination.
  • Pascal Program: The Gauss Elimination Method.
  • Solution by Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
  • Pascal Program: Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
  • Multiple Constant Vectors and Matrix Inversion.
  • Pascal Program: Gauss-Jordan Elimination, Version Two.
  • III-Conditioned Equations.
  • Pascal Program: Solving Hilbert Matrices.
  • A Simultaneous Best Fit.
  • Pascal Program: The Best Fit Solution.
  • Equations with Complex Coefficients.
  • Pascal Program: Simultaneous Equations with Complex Coefficients.
  • The Gauss-Seidel Iterative Method.
  • Pascal Program: The Gauss-Seidel Method. – Summary.
  • 5. Development of a curve-fitting program.
  • 6. Sorting. Introduction.
  • Handling Experimental Data.
  • A Bubble Sort.
  • Pascal Program: The Bubble Sort and TSTSORT.
  • Pascal Procedure: Bubble Sort with SWAP.
  • A Shell Sort.
  • Pascal Procedure: The Shell-Metzner Sort.
  • The Quick Sort.
  • Pascal Procedure: A Recursive Quick Sort.
  • Pascal Procedure: A Nonrecursive Quick Sort.
  • Incorporating Sort into the Curve-Fitting Program. – Summary.
  • 7. General least-squares curve fitting. Introduction.
  • A Parabolic Curve Fit.
  • Pascal Program: Least-Squares Curve Fit for a Parabola.
  • Curve Fits for Other Equations.
  • Pascal Program: The Matrix Approach to Curve Fitting.
  • Pascal Program: Adjusting the Order of the Polynomial.
  • Pascal Program: The Heat-Capacity Equation.
  • Pascal Program: The Vapor Pressure Equation.
  • A Three-Variable Equation.
  • Pascal Program: An Equation of State for Steam. – Summary.
  • 8. Solution of equations by Newton's method. Introduction.
  • Formulating Newton's Method.
  • Pascal Program: A First Attempt at Newton's Method.
  • Pascal Programs: Solving Other Equations.
  • Pascal Program: The Vapor Pressure Equation. – Summary.
  • 9. Numerical integration. Introduction.
  • The Definite Integral.
  • The Trapezoidal Rule.
  • Pascal Program: The Trapezoidal Rule with User Input for the number of Panels.
  • Pascal Program: An Improved Trapezoidal Rule.
  • Pascal Program: Trapezoidal Rule with End Correction.
  • Pascal Program: Simpson's Integration Method.
  • Pascal Program: The Simpson Method with End Correction.
  • The Romberg Method.
  • Pascal Program: Integration by the Romberg Method.
  • Functions that Become Infinite at One Limit.
  • Pascal Program: Adjustable Panels for an Infinite Function. – Summary.
  • 10. Nonlinear curve-fitting equations. Introduction.
  • Linearizing the Rational Function.
  • Pascal Program: The Clausing Factor Fitted to the Rational Function.
  • Linearizing the Exponential Equation.
  • Pascal Program: An Exponential Curve Fit for the Diftusion of Zinc in Copper.
  • Direct Solution of the Exponential Equation.
  • Pascal Program: A Nonlinearized Exponential Curve Fit. – Summary.
  • 11. Advanced applications. Introduction.
  • The Normal and Cumulative Distribution Functions.
  • The Gaussian Error Function.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluating the Gaussian Eror Function Using Simpson's Rule.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluating the Gaussian Error Function Using an Infinite Series Expansion.
  • The Complement of the Error Function 329.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluating the Complement of the Error Function.
  • Pascal Program: A Faster Implementation of the Error Function.
  • The Gamma Function.
  • Pascal Program: Evaluation of the Gamma Function.
  • Bessel Functions.
  • Pascal Program: Bessel Functions of the First Kind.
  • Pascal Program: Bessel Functions of the Second Kind. – Summary.
  • Appendix A: Reserved Words and Functions.
  • Appendix B: Summary of Pascal.
  • Minimum Standard Character Set 355.
  • Variable Names. – Numbers. – Comments. – Operations. – Syntax.
  • Conditional Statements.
  • Iterative Statements.
  • Transfer-of-Control Statements.
  • Input and Output.
  • Data Types. – Bibliography. – Index.