The incidence of autonomous learning on learning english as a foreign language: case of Advanced Intensive English I of the Bachelor of Arts in English with emphasis in Teaching at the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of El Salvador in the year 2015.

Autonomous Learning has become a useful part in the learning process; it is always related to a new language that is tried to be learnt. One of the tools to learn a new language is Autonomy on what the person does; however, the guidance of someone is required somehow. The history of Autonomy is base...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Campos Villafuerte, Jairo Wilfredo (autor)
Otros Autores: Nájera Linares, Teodoro Alexander (autor), Sánchez García, Gerson Oswaldo (autor), Ayala, Edgar Nicolás (docente director), Landaverde Castillo, Manuel Alexander (docente coordinador)
Formato: Tesis Libro
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