Understanding the learning process of french as a second language by identifying the language skills that represent a challenge for the students and the learning strategies they use to succeed /

This research begins with the premise that strategies are important if students are to learn effectively, and that this applies not only to language but also to any other field of learning. Therefore this study looks into the strategies used by the students from the Modern Languages Major in languag...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Ulloa López, Rafael Ángel (autor)
Otros Autores: Chávez Martínez, Ana Sofía (autor), Barahona Muñoz, José Victorino (Director, docente director), Vargas Gómez, Laura Goretty (autor), Garay Salinas, Ricardo (coordinador)
Formato: Tesis Libro
Acceso en línea:http://ri.ues.edu.sv/3084/

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