Minds behind the brain : a history of the pioneers and their discoveries

Traza el estudio del cerebro de los antiguos egipcios, a través del mundo clásico de Hipócrates, los tiempos de Descartes, y la era de Broca, para los investigadores modernos, como Sperry, y examina sus fuentes y herramientas.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Finger, Stanley
Formato: Libro
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: a voyage across time
  • An ancient Egyptian physician: the dawn of neurology
  • Hippocrates: the brain as the organ of mind
  • Galen: the birth of experimentation
  • Andreas Vesalius: the new "human" neuroanatomy
  • Rene Descartes: the mind-body problem
  • Thomas Willis: the functional organization of the brain
  • Luigi Galvani: electricity and the nerves
  • Franz Joseph Gall: the cerebral organs of mind
  • Paul Broca: cortical localization and cerebral dominace
  • David Ferrier and Eduard Hitzig: the experimentalists map the cerebral cortex
  • Jean-Martin Charcot: clinical neurology comes of age
  • Santiago Ramon y Cajal: from nerve nets to neuron doctrine
  • Charles Scott Sherrington: the integrated nervous system
  • Edgar D. Adrain: coding the nervous system
  • Otto Loewi and Henry Dale: the discovery of neurotransmitters
  • Roger W. Sperry and Rita Levi-Montalcini: from neural growth to "split brains"
  • Pioneers and discoveries in the brain sciences.