The invisible economy and gender inequalities : the importance of measuring and valuing unpaid work.

"La salud y el cuidado infantil no remunerados proporcionados en el hogar, junto con otras actividades que contribuyen al desarrollo físico, cognitivo y emocional de los miembros de un hogar, tienen un impacto importante en el bienestar individual y público, así como en el desarrollo humano pot...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: Pan American Health Organization
Formato: Libro
Publicado: Washington, D.C. : Pan American Health Organization, 2010.
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments. Prologue. Introduction. Parte I: Household satellite accounts and the measurment and valuation of unpaid work: results and policy implications for the reduction of gender inequalities. Chapter 1. The valuation of unpaid work: a key strategy for gender equality policy. Chapter 2. Household production accounts for Canada, Mexico, and the United States: methodological issues, results, and recomendations. Chapter 3. Satellite account for unpaid household services: an approximation for Mexico. Chapter 4. Calculating the value of unpaid labor. Chapter 5. Conceptual framework and methodological guidelines for the household satellite account to measure unpaid work in health. Chapter 6. The inclusion of unpaid work in the analyses of the health and social welfare sectors. Ten good reasons for measuring unremunerated work in health care. Part II: Conceptual and methodological challenges. Chapter 7. Time use surveys: desing and application. Chapter 8. Methodological proposal to measure and assess unpaid household health care. Chapter 9. The invisible costs of caring for patients in the household: a chilean case study. Chapter 10. Women, working, and caring in this Millennium. Chapter 11. Defining and valuing child care: lessons from time use surveys in major english-speaking countries. Parte III: Experiences and results. Chapter 12. Time and work from a feminine perspective. Chapter 13. Policy and strategy in health care provision in the PAHO region, and measuring unpaid work.